How to use seasonal vegetables this Winter?
Mixing up our dietary variety via food selection can positively influence your micronutrient intake by increasing its diversity and your likelihood of meeting nutrition requirements. Eating seasonally is also cheaper and tastier due to the fresh produce having travelled less food miles. Buying this way can additionally support your local farmers and reduce […]
Kathi’s Vegetarian Chili Recipe
Ingredients: 2xsmall cans of diced tomatoes 1xlarge can crushed tomato 4xcups of vegetable broth 8xcans of beans (variety) 1xcan of red lentils 2xcups of frozen/tinned and drained corn 3-4 red/green capsicum diced 2xmedium onions diced 6xgarlic cloves 1xCan of tomato pasta ½ tin of chili powder (or to taste) ¼ cup mushroom powder 1xtbsp cumin […]