Speedy Tikka Masala Chicken Curry w/ Chickpea Roti
Serves 4-5 Curry Ingredients 500g Chicken tenderloins 1 tbsp. olive oil for cooking ½ cup Kefir (I used Rokeby’s Natural Filmjolk) 500g sliced mushrooms 1x brown onion (diced) 1x 400g can of low sodium diced tomatoes Small bottle of (Patak’s Tikka Masala Paste) https://www.pataks.co.uk/products/spice-pastes/tikka-masala-paste Method 1. In a shallow fry pan, add the olive oil […]
Sweet 330itis Snacks Approved By A Sydney Dietitian When Working From Home
How to keep your energy up at 3pm? Our top snack ideas all devised and balanced by an Accredited Practising Dietitian in Sydney.
Three tops tips for the time poor corporate: Increasing vegetable intake to boost health, longevity and work performance
Back to back intense meetings, extended work hours, skipping meals whilst adding copious amounts of caffeine – sound familiar? What if nutrition could be quick, tasty and practical to make everything easier? Well it CAN and not only will this reduce your risk of chronic health disease such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease, but […]