A Runner’s Guide to RED-S

Are you into the running craze this year and potentially training for an upcoming running event? Every runner should be aware of RED-S, with fatigue, recurrent injuries, and loss of periods being some of the common signs. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and consequences of this condition, runners can take proactive steps to prevent and […]

Get to Know Summit Strength Owner: QnA with Rowan

    After announcing our partnership last blog with SUMMIT STRENGTH We took some time to sit down with the owner Rowan and find out a little bit more about him. What three words best describe you? Relaxed. Adventurous. Honest. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Frenchs Forest, on the Northern Beaches […]

New Collaboration: Body Fusion & Summit Strength Personal Training!

ANNOUNCING A VERY EXCITING NEW PARTNERSHIP NEWSFLASH!!! Body Fusion and Summit Strength have decided to work even more closely together to help their clients reach new peaks. Summit Strength is run by Rowan Smith, a charismatic personal trainer who’s main goal is to help his clients get strong and pain free so that they can […]

Guest Blog: Breast Cancer and Exercise

Enjoy a snippet from Heather – Physiotherapist and Lymphedema Therapist   Guest Blog: Breast Cancer and Exercise October is breast cancer awareness month when organisations around the world focus on reducing the incidence of this disease and researching for a cure. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australian women and each day on […]

Guest Blog: Top tips from an Exercise Physiologist for incidental exercise when WFH

This guest post is from our friend Matthew Donovan an experienced and credible Exercise Physiologist who runs a gym in Brookvale in Sydney in the Northern Beaches and has an online platform which steams for clients anywhere: https://www.empowerexphys.com/ What is N.E.A.T.? N.E.A.T. stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. What’s that I hear you ask? Well, its […]

Establishing Balanced Nutrition, Exercise And A Routine During Isolation

Over the last few weeks we have observed social media platforms being saturated with non-evidence based nutrition advice (namely FAD diets), home workout ideas, goal-setting guidelines, working from home tips and the list goes on. Sounds overwhelming, right?! We feel it too, everywhere we look there are conflicting perspectives about what we ‘should be doing’. Don’t […]

Training smart with HIIT

We caught up with our wonderful friends over at Shift Wellbeing, discussing the benefits of High Intensity Internal Training (HIIT) and how you can incorporate it into your exercise routine! The pace of life is speeding up and our time is becoming increasingly precious to us. Having said that, as a fitness professional at Shift […]

Nutrition for Dancers

Dancers are special athletes, they require precise nutrition plans mixed with a healthy mindset. As Sports Dietitians we understand this, we were excited to be interviewed by Dance Train to share some important nutrition: Can you tell us about the diet cycle that many dancers go through with their food choices? Dancers have specific nutrient […]

Common Nutrition Concerns of Runners

At our Body Fusion clinics we are increasingly seeing more and more runners in relation to their nutrition.  In Lane Cove we have just established a relationship with North Shore Fitness and Outdoor Training. You can read more about them here: www.nsrunningfitness.com.au/ It doesn’t matter if its elite training program, an upcoming personal goal such […]

Sunday Runs, Markets and Muesli (Recipe Included!)

Imagine this: On the horizon sits the sun, a bright yellow beginning, slowly climbing its ladder up the coloured sky. A light breeze pushes you into a rhythmic run, right along the sleepy beach and up to a grassy green headland. You stop to catch you breath, your heart hammering gratitude as you drink in […]

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