An estimated 1.2 million Australians (4.9% of the total population) had diabetes in 2017–18, based on self-reported data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This lifestyle related chronic disease is more prevalent in men and more apparent as age transgresses.
This week Ash had a great session running a ZOOM cooking workshop in relation to Diabetes prevention. What she discussed was that FOUR of the SIX risk factors were ones pertaining to food and nutrition intake (see below)
People at risk of type 2 diabetes can delay and even prevent the condition by
(Diabetes Australia):
Maintaining a healthy weight
Regular physical activity – 150 mins/week ~30 mins/day
Making healthy food choices
Managing blood pressure
Managing cholesterol levels
Not smoking
It’s not surprising that food can plays such a big role in this chronic disease, particularly given 80-90% of people with T2 Diabetes are overweight. Adiposity (gaining fat mass) around the waist has been linked directly back to insulin resistance which can progress to diabetes.
How to eat well to prevent Diabetes (Based off the evidence):
1. Follow a Mediterranean style diet: Plenty of healthy unsaturated fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and fatty fish
2. Eat a diet that is moderate in carbohydrates: Contry to popular belief, carbs do not have to be avoided to lose weight or prevent diabetes. It’s the quality and quantity relevant to the individual that count
3. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables
4. Limit your red meat intake and include some vegetarian sources of protein in your diet like legumes or tofu
5. Choose fermented dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and kefir
6. Maintain a healthy weight through the guidance of a health profession such as an Accredited Practising Dietitian