Apple Crumble

With the cooler months just around the corner, we think its the perfect time to share a delicious winter warming dessert. This apple crumble is not only super easy to prepare but it tastes AMAZING! It is full of so many amazing ingredients that it can also be included as breakfast or a snack!

Why do we love the apple crumble?

  • Fibre: The rolled oats and apple in this dish provide a wonderful source of fibre. Did you know that the main source of fibre in fruit is found just under the skin? Keeping the skin on the apple will ensure you retain the fibre and goodness of the apple. Fibre is beneficial for keeping bowels regular, maintaining gut health, lowering cholesterol and keeping you feeling fuller for longer.
  • Low glycaemic index (GI): Rolled oats are a great source of low GI carbohydrates, meaning that they are slowly digested and help to maintain blood sugar levels. Honey is also a wonderful choice for sweetness as it is a low GI carbohydrate!
  • Healthy fats: The almond meal and olive/nut oil in this dish provide a great source of poly and mono unsaturated fats. These fats have been shown to be beneficial for heart health and lowering cholesterol levels.




3 medium apples – sliced (approximately 0.5cm think)

1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon


½ cups Rolled Oats

½ cup Almond Meal

½ cup Coconut Flakes

1 tsp Ground Cinnamon

2 tbsp Honey

2 tbsp Olive Oil or Nut Oil (e.g macadamia oil)



  1. Pre-heat oven at 180 degrees.
  2. Place chopped apple in a medium baking dish. Sprinkle cinnamon over apples and stir through. Bake for 15 minutes.
  3. Mixed all crumble ingredients in a large bowl. Pour the crumble over baked apple.
  4. Bake for another 25 minutes. Half way through cooking time, use a spoon to mix crumble to ensure all crumble cooks through. Cook until golden brown.
  5. Serve with yoghurt.



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